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Minecraft Quiz

 Real quick, you guys are probably wondering why a Minecraft quiz is in a Sonic The Hedgehog Info website.

Well, this website isn't just Sonic. It's just a gaming info and quiz website. Don't judge just because the thumb is Sonic and the name involves Sonic! So, who's ready to do a Minecraft quiz?!

Question 1, What are Chao in the Sonic Texture Pack?

A. Frogs

B. Allays

or C. Tadpoles

Alright, Question 2, is it possible for Android that when you download Minecraft, they give free stuff?

A. Yes

B. No

or C. You have to get Realms+

Ok, Question 3, those it say funny and weird stuff at the corner of the MINECRAFT logo?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Only when you sign in

or D. Only when you are in Realms +

Who's ready for, Question 4!  What food do you need to tame Cats?

A. Cod

B. Cooked Cod

C. Salmon

D. Cooked Salmon

or E. Tropical fish

Get buckled up for, Question 5! How do you make minecarts go faster without using the forward button?

A. Boost rails

B. Normal rails

Do you need a redstone torch for this to work?

A. Yes

B. No

Question 6(riddle), what is a food, that is block, and you don't eat it at once?

A. Um, Cake?

B. Never heard of anything of the kind.

or C. Baked Potato's fill up lots of food meter!

Question 7(final question), How do you make a chimney?

A. Get a chimney mod!

B. Code in a chimney block

C. Put a not visible fire place with lots of blocks around it, then smoke will come out, making it look like a chimney!

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